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We cannot wait for you to join us in the magic of AlUla.

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We are very sorry, an error has occurred while processing your booking. We are working to fix this issue as soon as possible.

If the transaction did not debit your account, please try again. If you have been billed for the transaction, please reach out to our support team on +966920025003 and provide the booking number starting with ‘ORD’ as listed above. Our team will then assist in confirming the booking.

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Travel tips for AlUla
Visit out travel tips page for advice on how to prepare for your trip to AlUla where we cover everything from travel to customs and etiquette.
Download the mobile app
Discover the official destination app for AlUla, Khaybar and Tayma.
Contact information
Need help? Get in contact to modify your booking:

Customer service (Daily 9:00 - 21:00)

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