Error Codes:

Code Title Description
USER_NOT_FOUND Invalid credentials Please check your email and password, and try again.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS Incorrect Username or Password Please provide a valid username and password to continue.
USER_LOCKED Account locked The User ID provided is currently locked. Please contact us for further support.
PASSWORD_EXPIRED Password expired It appears your password has expired. Please reset it to continue accessing your account.
USER_NOT_ACTIVE User currently inactive The provided User ID is currently not active. Please check and ensure the correct User ID is entered. Alternatively you can contact us for further support.
INVALID_USER_INFORMATION Invalid User The information provided is not valid. Please check and try again.
MISSING_USER_INFORMATION Missing User information User ID has not been provided. Please enter a valid User ID and password to continue.
PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY_VIOLATION Password does not meet requirements The password provided does not meet the specified criteria. Please review requirements and try again.
INVALID_OTP_CODE Invalid OTP (One-Time Password) The OTP entered is invalid. Please check and try again.
EXPIRED_OTP_CODE OTP expired The OTP entered has expired. Please request a new OTP and enter it promptly to continue.
INVALID_CODE Invalid code The code entered is not valid. Please check and enter a valid code to continue.
EXPIRED_CODE Code expired The code entered has expired. Please request a new code and enter it promptly to continue.
USER_ALREADY_EXISTS User already registered This User is already registered. Please sign in with your credentials or consider resetting your password.
BAD_REQUEST Unexpected error Please try again later. If the issue persists, please contact us for further support.
PASSWORD_ALREADY_USED Password previously used This password has been used before. Please choose a new, unique password to continue.
EXPRESSION Connectivity issue Please check your internet connection and try again.
INVOCATION Refresh and retry An error has occurred. Please refresh the page and try again.
BOOKING_AMENDMENT_NOT_ALLOWED Online cancellation unavailable Online cancellation is not available. Please contact us for further support.
AMENDMENT_IN_PROCESS Cancellation unsuccessful Your request to cancel this booking was unsuccessful. Please try again later or contact us for further support.
INVALID_INPUT Invalid input Please check and try again.
BOOKING_NOT_FOUND Booking not found The reference number provided does not exist. Please check and try again.
800.100.152 Transaction declined (error code: 800.100.152) The transaction has been declined. Please check the payment details or contact your card issuer for support.
100.380.501 Transaction timed out (error code: 100.380.501) The transaction has timed out. Please try again or contact us for further support.
800.300.401 Payment unavailable for your country (error code: 800.300.401) We cannot currently accept debit or credit cards from your country of residence. If you need assistance with your booking, please contact us online or call +966 920025003 for further support.
100.396.101 Transaction cancelled (error code: 100.396.101) This transaction has been cancelled from your end. Please contact us if you'd like further support.
100.390.112 Transaction declined (error code: 100.390.112) Please verify the OTP you have entered or contact your bank for assistance.
800.110.100 Transaction declined (error code: 800.110.100) The transaction has already been processed. Please contact us for any further support.
800.100.155 Transaction declined (error code: 800.100.155) Please review your transaction limits or contact your bank for further support.
800.100.156 Transaction declined (error code: 800.100.156) The transaction cannot be processed due to a format error.
100.380.401 Transaction declined (error code: 100.380.401) Please verify the OTP entered and try again.
100.390.107 Transaction rejected (error code: 100.390.107) The transaction has been rejected because cardholder authentication is currently unavailable.
800.100.100 Transaction declined (error code: 800.100.100) The transaction cannot be processed. Please contact us for any further support.
800.100.162 Transaction declined (error code: 800.100.162) This transaction has been declined as you have exceeded your limit. Please contact your bank for assistance.
100.390.114 Transaction declined (error code: 100.390.114) The transaction cannot be processed as the issuer rejected the request.
100.100.700 Transaction declined (error code: 100.100.700) The card number or CVV entered is invalid.
800.100.151 Transaction rejected (error code: 800.100.151) The transaction cannot be processed due to invalid card.
800.120.103 Transaction declined (error code: 800.120.103) The maximum number of transactions for this email has already been exceeded.
100.390.111 Transaction rejected (error code: 100.390.111) We are currently unable to connect to the VISA/Mastercard Directory Server. Please try again later.
100.396.103 Transaction cancelled (error code: 100.396.103) The previously pending transaction has timed out
700.500.003 Transaction rejected (error code: 700.500.003) Test accounts are not permitted in the production environment.
INVALID_BOOKING_DATE Incorrect date The date entered is incorrect.
BOOKING_ITEM_NOT_FOUND Booking not found We're unable to find the booking. Please check and try again.
NO_AVAILABLE_TICKETS No tickets available There are no tickets available at the moment. Please check and try again later.
PRODUCT_VARIANT_NOT_FOUND Ticket type not found The type of ticket requested could not be found. Please check and try again.
SEAT_ALREADY_BOOKED Seat unavailable Please choose another seat or contact us for any further support.
INVALID_SEAT_SELECTION Invalid seat selection Please select a valid seat to continue.
COUPON_NOT_FOUND Invalid promo code The promo code entered is incorrect.
COUPON_NOT_APPLICABLE_TO_SELECTED_PRODUCTS Invalid coupon The coupon is not valid on selected products.
MULTIPLE_COUPONS_NOT_ALLOWED Promo code limit reached Only one promotional code can be applied per transaction.
BOOKING_USAGE_REACHED Coupon limit reached The maximum usage for this coupon has been reached.
CUSTOMER_USAGE_REACHED Coupon limit reached The maximum usage for this coupon has been reached.
CUSTOMER_PERIOD_USAGE_REACHED Coupon expired The coupon is no longer valid for use with this booking.
COUPON_USAGE_REACHED Coupon expired The coupon is no longer valid for use with this booking.
COUPON_PERIOD_USAGE_REACHED Coupon expired The coupon is no longer valid for use with this booking.
COUPON_PREREQUISITES_ARE_NOT_MET Invalid promo code The coupon cannot be used on this ticket type.
INVALID_PROMO_CODE Invalid promo code The coupon entered is incorrect. Please check and try again.
TICKET_NOT_FOUND Ticket type not found The type of ticket requested could not be found. Please check and try again.
MULTIPLE Internal server error Something went wrong. Please try again later.
SECURITY Unexpected error Something went wrong. Please try again later.
TEST_ACC_NOT_ALLOWED Transaction rejected Test accounts are not permitted in the production environment.
DEFAULT_CODE Unexpected error We're experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. If the issue continues, contact us for further support. We apologise for any inconvenience.
INVALID_PASSWORD Incorrect password The password you have entered is incorrect. Please check and try again.
EXTERNAL_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS Account already exists An account with this User ID is already linked to a social account. Please check and try again.
PROFILE_HAS_UNUSED_TICKETS Something went wrong This profile cannot be deleted as it has unused tickets.
EXTERNAL_USER_NOT_FOUND Account already exists An account with this User ID is already exists. Please check and try again.
PASSWORD_RESET_NOT_ALLOWED Unable to reset password This User Password is managed by a third party. Please reset accordingly.
INVALID_FIELD:FIRST_NAME Invalid first name Please check your information and try again.
INVALID_FIELD:LAST_NAME Invalid last name Please check your information and try again.
INVALID_FIELD:PHONE_NUMBER Invalid phone number Please check your information and try again.
INVALID_FIELD:GENDER Invalid gender Please check your information and try again.
INVALID_FIELD:DATE_OF_BIRTH Invalid date of birth Please check your information and try again.
INVALID_FIELD:NATIONALITY Invalid nationality Please check your information and try again.
INVALID_FIELD:COUNTRY_OF_RESIDENCE Invalid country of residence Please check your information and try again.
INVALID_FIELD:PREFIX Invalid phone prefix Please check your information and try again.
INVALID_FIELD:LANGUAGE_CODE Invalid language Please check your information and try again.
EINVOICE_EXPIRED Payment link expired This payment link is no longer valid; please try again.
INVALID_COUPON Invalid coupon This coupon is not valid. Please check the code and try again.
INVALID_EMAIL Invalid email The email entered is incorrect. Please check and try again.
NO_ITEMS_TO_AMEND Unable to change booking Due to the refund and exchange policies of this booking, it cannot be changed online. Please contact our support team on +966920025003 and provide the booking number starting with ‘ORD’.
100.390.116 Transaction declined (error code: 100.390.116) This transaction was declined due to denied access to the authentication system.
100.390.117 Transaction declined (error code: 100.390.117) This transaction was declined due to authentication failure caused by invalid data. Please check the information and try again.
100.390.115 Transaction declined (error code: 100.390.115) This transaction was declined due to authentication failure caused by invalid information format. Please check the information and try again.
100.390.118 Transaction declined (error code: 100.390.118) The bank has declined this transaction. Please contact your bank for more details.
100.100.303 Transaction declined (error code: 100.100.303) This transaction was declined because the card has expired. Please use a different payment method to try again.
100.400.142 Transaction declined (error code: 100.400.142) The bank has declined this transaction. Please contact your bank for more details.
100.400.324 Transaction declined (error code: 100.400.324) The bank has declined this transaction. Please contact your bank for more details.
100.100.101 Transaction declined (error code: 100.100.101) This transaction was declined due to invalid credit card, bank account number or bank name. Please check the information and try again.
200.100.103 Transaction declined (error code: 200.100.103) This transaction was declined due to authentication failure caused by invalid information format. Please check the information and try again.
900.100.300 Transaction declined (error code: 900.100.300) This transaction was declined due to timeout.
300.100.100 Transaction declined (error code: 300.100.100) This transaction was declined as additional customer authentication required.
800.100.153 Transaction declined (error code: 800.100.153) This transaction was declined due to an invalid CVV. Please check the number and try again.
800.100.163 Transaction declined (error code: 800.100.163) The maximum transaction frequency for this card has been exceeded. Please try again later.
800.100.170 Transaction declined (error code: 800.100.170) Transactions are being restricted by the bank. Please contact your bank for more details.
800.100.157 Transaction declined (error code: 800.100.157) This transaction was declined due to an incorrect expiry date. Please check the date and try again.
000.400.030 Transaction declined (error code: 000.400.030) The transaction partially failed, and manual reversal is required due to an unsuccessful automatic reversal. Please contact our customer support at +966920025003 for further assistance in initiating a refund; for a smooth process, please have your username ready. If you do not have a username, you may have to contact your bank for a refund.
900.100.301 Transaction declined (error code: 900.100.301) This transaction timed out without response from the bank. It was reversed and no charges were made.
PROFILE_ALREADY_MARKED_FOR_DELETION Something went wrong! Profile is already marked for deletion.
COUPON_NOT_APPLICABLE_TO_SELECTED_PRODUCTS Coupon not valid! This coupon is not applicable to the selected product.
EXTERNAL_AUTH_EMAIL_ERROR Email is hidden! Original email is required for sign-in. Please consent to share your real email and try again.
CANCELLATION_POLICY_VIOLATION Online cancellation unavailable Booking can't be cancelled because it does not comply with cancellation policies.
NOT_FOUND Missing Information Unfortunately, the requested details are currently unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
ADULT_CHILD_DEPENDENCY_VIOLATION Adult ticket required for Child ticket You must purchase at least one adult ticket with any child ticket. Please add an adult ticket or remove the child tickets.
BOOKING_EXPIRED Booking Expired! Your booking has expired.
USER_BLOCKED Unexpected error We're experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. If the issue continues, contact us for further support. We apologise for any inconvenience.
OAUTH_CLIENT_UNAUTHORIZED Please note: Your session has expired, and you have been automatically logged out. Please log in again to continue.
OAUTH_BOOKING_UNAUTHORIZED Please note: Your booking has expired, and your cart has been cleared. If you need assistance or wish to make a new booking, please contact our support team at +966920025003.
NO_ADDONS_FOR_SELECTED_TIMESLOT Please note: You are unable to edit this booking to include the chosen product at the new selected time/date. Please choose a different time or contact our support team for assistance.
PAYMENT_AMOUNT_NOT_SUFFICIENT Transaction Failed: Low Balance We could not complete your payment. Please check your balance and try again.
MAXIMUM_TICKETS_REACHED Limit reached Sorry, tickets in this category are no longer available. The maximum number of tickets that can be booked has been reached.
INVALID_PAYMENT_STATUS Payment declined Payment authorisation has failed, please try again.
900.100.201 Transaction declined (error code: 900.100.201) An error has occurred on the external payment gateway. Please try again later or contact your bank for assistance.
800.900.101 Transaction declined (error code: 800.900.101) You have entered an invalid email address. Please enter a valid email address or verify the email you have entered.
900.100.600 Transaction declined (error code: 900.100.600) Please note that the bank server is currently unresponsive. Please try again later or contact your bank for assistance.
EXPIRED_KEYS Keys Expired The keys entered has expired. Please request a new keys and enter it promptly to continue.
TICKET_CHANGE_NOT_AVAILABLE Ticket changes are restricted Ticket changes can no longer be made for this booking.
DATE_NOT_IN_USAGE_RANGE Dates are not valid The selected date is not valid for transactions. Please choose a different date
MAXIMUM_SELLABLE_DATE_REACHED Kindly choose another date Transactions are no longer allowed beyond this date.
PAYMENT_ALREADY_INPROGRESS Payment is in progress A payment is already in progress for this booking. Please wait for it to complete.
CHECKOUT_NOT_AVAILABLE Kindly check items in cart Some items in your cart can no longer be booked as they exceed the allowed booking time before the event's start. Please remove them to continue with checkout.
CONTENT_NOT_FOUND Page Temporarily Unavailable This page isn’t available at the moment. Don’t worry — there’s still so much of AlUla to discover.